I just wanted to thank Daronas for designing the unicorn and E.C. for creating the unicorn blueprint in time for me to enter the Unicorn Run prefab in the NWN2 area design contest. I think Daronas did a great job at such short notice!
Here's a pic of the unicorn in use and I'll get Daronas to post his own pics when he has time. I will be using this area for the end of Act II of ATtD, which ends in a cliffhanger! :)

~ LadyE
Wow! Simply gorgeous.
LadyE, your artistic abilities know no boundaries.
ps...can't wait to wander around there and chase a few unicorns...they are friendly, right?
Thanks, sirchet!!
The one unicorn that I put there for now is, but I can't guarantee the same for when the area is in Act III of A Time to Die... it depends upon who you bring with you on the quest. Hint: who gets along with animals the best? ;>
You're welcome LadyE! That's what a team is for!
Yeah, those shots really capture the beauty of that area - damn...
You're more than welcome. :)
The area is awesome!!!
thanks jclef! I really like the screenies of Misery Stone and can't wait till it is ready to play!
Got it, leave the unicorn hide armor at home, and bring along a druid. heh heh
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